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Peakbucks now features nearly 400 hosted tube videos
août 21, 2013
Peakbucks is proud to announce that we now offer nearly 400 2-3 min promo videos for affiliate promotion. They are available hosted (save your bandwidth, use ours!), downloadable, and in hybrid free hosted galleries.
The hybrid free hosted galleries also offer 8 matching pictures, perfect to add to your tgp or to grab content out of for your blogs.
All of these promo tools are available in an easily exportable dump with many useful fields.
video url|title|description|# of clips|model names|url to thumbnail|very long description
Enjoy and again, thanks for promotion!
The hybrid free hosted galleries also offer 8 matching pictures, perfect to add to your tgp or to grab content out of for your blogs.
All of these promo tools are available in an easily exportable dump with many useful fields.
video url|title|description|# of clips|model names|url to thumbnail|very long description
Enjoy and again, thanks for promotion!